Monday, October 4, 2010

On 29 Oct 2010 to 1 Oct 2010

I was in class do my experiment..Meanwhile, my uncle called me and asked me to pack my things because of an emergency... The emergency was about my father who's in critical situation.. He was having a cancer since end of February 2010.. My family and I tried so hard to cure my father especially my mum.. My mother was the one who taking care of my father since he was sicked..
I arrived at my hometown at midnight..My sister took me at the airport and we straight away went to SMC...
I looked at my father and was unable to give any response but he can hear what we are saying to him..It was very sad..
On the next day,I went and visit my father again and he's still in the same situation..But, the doctor said my father was able to eat but eating using the flow from the nose.. I was quite happy that time because in my thoughts,my father have hope to live..
On the next day, 6am my sister was called by my other sister and asked us to go to SMC IMMEDIATELY.... My father was gasping the 'oxygen'...He died at 8.20 am...
He was buried after Solat Jumaat...of course every one was sad and cried that time...

Till now, I miss my father...I think about him almost everyday..
All I know is,I have to continue my live and be successful one day..
Appreciation/Grateful part -My dad died on Friday and Friday is a VERY GOOD day in ISLAM...

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